
During South Africa’s initial hard lockdown in 2020, we collaborated with OntdEK to create an online version of our PlayDates programme. It is a collection of Resilience-focused, Trauma-informed activities that can be used by families, teachers, social workers and care workers. Each of the 4 series was designed to build resilience by progressively focussing on: Emotional regulation, building strong relationships and building a strong self-esteem or sense of self. Each session is structured around Jessica Lang’s 3R’s of managing Trauma: Regulate, Relate, Reflect. The activities can be used as stand-alone activities or as an arts-based programme to complement any psychosocial intervention, school, home-school or after care curriculum. All of these resources are either in English and Afrikaans or English and isiXhosa. One day we hope to have all of our materials translated in all of South Africa’s beautiful languages.

Series 1:

This series was designed to suit all ages, from toddlers to adults. Each session consists of our check-in song: encouraging participants to check-in with themselves and each other in a non-verbal, non-threatening manner; a creative physical activity, a creative writing/ talking/ drawing activity and an invitation to breathe and stretch.

Series 2:

This series is focused on young families and children up to the age of 13. The activities can, however, be adapted to also engage teens and adults. Each session begins with a unique story which is explored through a drama-based activity, an art-based activity and a reflective activity.

Series 3:

We continue to explore original stories through drama, art and movement. All of the story themes and the structure of each session is Resilience-focused and Trauma-informed.

Series 4:

In our last series, we continue to explore original stories through drama, art and movement. All of the story themes and the structure of each session in Resilience-focused and Trauma-informed.